Wednesday, March 6, 2019

find the foods that provide

In the upper levels of this pyramid that presents us with a balanced diet, we would find the foods that provide the most Omega 3. In its third level Weight Loss Supplement, the one of the proteic foods, emphasizes the contribution of Omega 3 of the seeds. Flax or chia seeds are very good options, which can be consumed mixed with cereals, yogurt, in salads or even in shakes or vegetable creams. They are also a good choice nuts, especially nuts , and also almonds or avocados and legumes such as soybeans, peas or beans.

Without moving from this third level, we would find even more food with Omega 3, in this case of animal origin: This is mainly present in cold water fish and some seafood. For this reason it is recommended to include blue or fatty fish such as bonito, anchovy, mackerel, sardine or salmon in the diet. Seafood such as mussels, oysters or crabs also contain discrete contributions of Omega 3.Visit For More at disonts